
Hi!! So, about this website. As I said on the homepage, this website is random. Basically, what it’s about is just whatever I happen to be thinking about, or whatever pops into my head. Or I might just be bored and decided to blabber randomly about talking zebras or something. About me, I’m anonymous because this is a really weird website, and I don’t really need people to look me up on the internet and just find some website about dragons and stuff. Because that would be annoying. But I will tell you that I am a very weird and nerdy person, and I would also like to say that I think being anonymous is awesome because I get to really embrace the freak in me. So if you ever feel like embracing that side of you that has a random dragon obsession, I recommend you do so anonymously (like, duh!!) Also, I have a mild dragon obsession. Just so you know.

So I hope you have fun reading all about my dragon obsession, though let’s be honest, I’m probably the only person that will ever read this random obscure website. But that’s okay because really this is just me expressing my weirdness, and having some fun both with the creative side of making this website (writing stories!! Editing pictures!! Yay!!), but also the technical side (learning to build websites!! Yipee!!)