
Hi, I’m Zeby! It’s nice to meet you, even though I’m probably just screaming at the void since no one is actually going to read this. I basically just do whatever the pudding I want with this website so it’s pretty random but it amuses me so hopefully it amuses you for at least a plank second. Let’s face it, life is infinitesimally short when compared to the amount of time that this universe will exist or even the amount of time that some form of sentient life will exist in this universe so basically I should just do whatever I want with it because otherwise what’s the point? So I usually just do whatever will make me happy even if that’s really weird so if you want to go judging me for this website, guess what? I don’t give a pudding. Because you have no idea who I am (theoretically speaking), so I’m going to just have some fun before I die.